CulTure TraVel




Bike rider group or biker group is just for fun and fashion. It is neither a part culture of western nor a part of eastern culture or any other culture. Some time bike rider shows their status and for the status they get the entry to the group. Now days the biker group, you can seen almost all towns and cities.

Note:- In the group is made by the young boys and gals. Some group have the entry fees and some have own cost to go on rides . maximum group have the age between 22 years to 35 years and two or three aged person who guide the riders. And the aged person takes the leadership in the group. Some group may found where aged person created this group for aged persons.

The meaning of the bike rider or biker is that the young people who usually wear leather jackets and army boots. All biker who dire 2 wheeled motorized vehicles, they are free in actions.


The first motor bike was invented by inventors Gottlieb Daimler and wilhelm Maybach in Germant in 1885 and in the said bike was installed steam engine. But subsequent period in 1885, Daimler Reitwagen was invented the Petrolum engine. Thereafter the shape, design, color and techinical parts also developed and finally we are at present final stage and this new type of bike are available in everywhere.

The concept of biker was derived during the end time of world war-II. When the solder or people return their native, they used the bike and during the return, they found that a large number of bike rider were ready to go back their respective native. They created the group according to their nearby area for which it was helped them to come back their native without any tension. The concept of bike rider emerged.

Thereafter, some area found that due to the war, the relationship with other were lost. To build again the brotherhood, the concept of bike rider emerged also. Initially this concept was not so much popular due to non-availability of bike or finance.

The old Biker group or bike rider club is “HOLLISTER RIOT OF 1947”. This bike rider club was emerged in the year 1947 at American Motorcyclist Association, California.


Initially the club was created for fun and enjoyment. But during 1970s, the large number of club was emerged and also during initial time non-availability of specific rules and regulation, the riders created the problems like as road blockage, speed drive etc.

To avoid such type of huddles, the clubs leaders taken steps for rules and regulation. If anyone is interested they have to follow the rules and regulations of the clubs. For which the violation reduce.

                The bike rider club or biker culture 

                is a mainstream society subculture

                which covers both a social and community.

“The Outlaws Motorcycle Club” was founded in 1935. It is the first and oldest biker club in world. This club became popular in 1963.

Once individual gets his place in the Motorcycle Club and become part of biker subculture, they also then become a critical tool in driving the specific Motorcycle Club’s “machine” and helping to ensure its survival. This integration between the biker and the Motorcycle Club allows the continuation and expansion of the organization while giving the individual a place to belong and a way to explore their own insecurities.


Initially there were no rules and regulations. After occurrence of some problem, the members of the group or clubs decided to make the Rules and regulation. As part of the motorcycle Club, the biker lives within the set rules and regulations lay down by their club. And member does not deviate without permission of other members of the club. This inherent sense of understanding and absolute loyalty towards club drives the continued success and growth of the subculture. This circular flow of respect and friendship between brothers is who provides the security and comfort others needs. It is a self-regulating club cum society.


From last two decades the clubs become less violent then past. The bike rider spread all over the world subsequent year. The biking culture, though predominantly associated with America, is slowly growing in our subcontinent as well.


In Motorcycle Club, men and women occupy different roles, largely based on their position as either rider or passenger. Men are maximum place riders, driving their own bikes. The men and women are come from different religion, society, and age category to join the Biker Club. Most men form social groups based on age, style of riding, number of years riding, and socio-economic class. Some large categories of men riders are the old bikers, new bikers, ten percenters, and one percenters.

Due to verity of person, the tradition and way of living style also have some impact and in some place also exchange the tradition, culture, behavior etc. The thinking also automatically changes and come to different new innovation idea. Because the members are professional rider.

This has more to do with your mental attitude than your riding skill, this is neither a race nor have unlimited time on members hands. The ride is structured so as to allow you ample time to enjoy the beauty while at the pace according to your comfort. Prior to go on rider, first decide on meeting where to go on ride and on the basis of majority opinion the decision is decided. members are absolutely free to choose your own riding style, buddies and pace within the rules and regulation frame by the Club or group.

The India Bull Riders, Group of Delhi Superbikers (G.O.D.S.), Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.) are the famous bike rider club in India. Except those group other small group is available in different part of the country. Now days the biker clubs or groups are constituted on the basis on bike company and model like as Harley, Royal Enfield etc.

The above biker clubs have their own logo, website and also sponsor by company in many place.

It is also significant to look at the biker picture as it is represented as well as advertising the ultimate identifier of acceptance by the masses known as commercial culture. Some place it is found that some bike company, tourist Development Company, or company requires for rally, they sponsor the groups or clubs according to their desire. 

The biker clubs are also taken decision for long drive for a particular period and cover all India also. Some time this biker Group also takes part as messenger of peace and goes on ride to spread the peace as messenger for a particular period.

In India, except above issues, the biker Club also takes part in political issues. During the election period, some of political leader sponsor the biker club for taken part during campaigning and to support them.

It shows that the member of the club have a well condition and modern bike with similar to the other members. The Rider also choose the club according to his/ her bike company and model. Some small groups are existed who only plan to ride on leisure time like as Sunday, other holidays for their suitable. These small groups are not for long drive but just for fun and they are also not professional rider because of their own job and profession.


The easiest way to find a motorcycle riding club in India is look for riding forums on the internet in social media like facebook, twitter etc. and connect with the admin of that group and find out how to join in the said club. And also may find out the people are talking about riding groups.

And if require in your locality they, you can also search in social media as well as nearby city or town. The Biker Club / group are available in every State in India. It is most important to read the rules and regulations prior to join.