CulTure TraVel



Sanatana dharma is not a religion but it is the mother of all religions which shows the path of Moksha  


Sanatana Dharma is popularly known as “Hinduism” or “Hindu Dharma”. Dharma is often translated as "KARTABYA" “DUTY,” “PATH” and yet its meaning is more thoughtful, challenging to the point of English translation. English is an universal language in present day. a person’s dharma consists of duties that sustain him, according to his inherent or original characteristics. Such characteristics are both material and immaterial like spiritual or generating are the way of corresponding of dharma.


The concept of spiritual culture is an integral part of sanatana dharma. The term isn't exclusively applied to the Hindu religion but, it is a set of timeless values that help us fulfill our possible and understand the stream, law and order of the universe. The tradition of sanatana dharma is very vital for all human being irrespective of men and women, religion, geographical area and applicability to people in all places and at all times.


Sanatana dharma shows the way of Moksha by procedure of spiritual experiences above religious issues and yoga practice. If someone see the tradition and rules of sanatana dharma as a truthful term than Hinduism.  Hindusim is not a religion but it is the way of smart life. Hence in ancient India, spiritual teachings that were aimed to regulate and define ideal human life, conduct, and obligatory duties towards society.



During the ancient civilization, the human being were not divided on the basis of religious and that days had no religion also. If we see from the side of science, during the ancient civilization only thought about how to live and what is the way to live.

 Lord Gautama Buddha period started from 5th Century BC to onward, Lord Mahavira Jains period started from 5th Century to onwards, Lord Jesus period stared from 4 BC to onward, Lord Muhammad period started from 583 AD onward. But prior to all these religion come to an existence, Sanatana Dharma was existence which is evident discovered from Indus Civilization. Due to Sanatana Dharma, the Hundu religion is called the oldest religion.

Many persons are think that Hindu or Hinduism is a religion but that is not correct. The ideology or Sanatana Dharma provides the rules, regulation and also path towards disciplinary life of the human and behavior of the human also. After Sanatana Dharma, the religion word generated and other religion generated from Sanatana Dharma.

Every living creature is the multiplicity of God's creation whose role and a specific duty in God's manifested universe, without which creation will be incomplete. Thus Sanatana Dharma is God's eternal duty.

God is the director and all other living creatures are the actor of the stage. The director gives instruction how to perform and what to do on stage.

The duty of human beings is to live smartly, to help the other living creature and nurture to whom we need in every moment. They are also expected to serve the purpose of creation, do their part in maintaining the law and order of the world as well as society. Five obligatory duties of the Sanatana Dharma due to their practice lead to harmony, peace, order and regularity. The Five Obligatory duties are i) nourishing gods, ii) nourishing ancestors, iii) nourishing needy human beings, iv) nourishing other living beings and v) serving the seers and brahmanas.


Dharma actually means duty. Sanatana which means eternal. Therefore Sanatana Dharma means the eternal duty of God. This Duty of God is shared, not just by Hindus, but by all living creature. Here the word “Dharma” is defined as a set of moral, regulations and principles which govern the religious duty and conduct of human on earth. The important principle of dharma is to protect the order and law of the world through specific actions in which morality and religion are the guiding factors.

There are some principle on which the Sanatana Dharma stands.

  1. Truth is eternal  
  2. Brahman is Truth and Reality
  3. The Vedas are the ultimate authority
  4. Everyone should try hard to achieve dharma
  5. Individual souls are immortal
  6. The goal of the individual soul is moksha
  7. Perform the duty to get Moksha

Hindusim is not a religious for which the tradition and customs has not affect to other like other religious. Whoever were / are interested to earn the knowledge of Sanatana Dharma or it is the will of individual whether accept this Sanatana Dharma as religious or not.

In past few years ago no one knew what is the Sanatana Dharma and some were had inferior feeling or thinking about Sanatana Dharma outside of India.  Sanatana Dharma is now very much popular and accepted in other part of world due to Swami Vivekananda.

Swami Vivekananda, a young boy who changed the mind of all persons on the part of western on 11th day of September, 1893 by delivering his powerful speech at the parliament of World’s Religions in Chicago.    If we think that who was established the Sanatana Dharma? There is no answer but Swami Vivekananda was the preacher who expand and brought to the knowledge of every common person.




The aim of  Sanatana dharma is the eternal function of the eternal living entities in connection with the Supreme Lord.  The word SANATANA’ is explained as “that which has neither beginning nor end”. The word “RELIGION” is different from Sanatana-dharma. Religion express the idea of faith and faith may change. One may have faith in a particular practice and he may change this faith and adopt another ideology which may suitable for his / her, but Sanatana-dharma refers to that activity which cannot be changed. Sanatana-dharma is described in the Vedas and its consequence.


The word “Hinduism”  is defined in Sanatana Dharma that it is neither a Religion nor preaching but Hinduism exists for the existence of Life itself. Buddhism, Christianity and Islamic Dharma, all these three Religions inherently are also the followers of Sanatana Dharma. the Ideology of Sanatana Dharma has express in different way in name of different  religion but the meaning is the same i.e. DHARMA, and Moksha.  There is nothing beyond Bhagavad Gita in hinduism which one is required to follow to reach at the stage of Salvation (moksha).